http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kawaman777/e/575bb01bda89d2635a7607deb95478a5 It was your this monkey to also preceding day that it probably will go to the easy 寿 garden in seeing, is, it is, why? It wishes meeting so much…? The [wa] which is puzzle - Era seu este macaco ao dia igualmente de precedência que provavelmente irá ao jardim fácil do 寿 na vista, é, ele é, por que? Deseja o encontro tanto…? [Wa] que é o enigma -
- To sea playing mansion
http://kimonodaisuki.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-12 Because you inquired about the news that, “[ebisuzame]” entered newly in day before, paying attention, it is to see, but you did not understand Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- The Hokkaido travelling of dream… (stratus 峡 ~ Asahi mountain zoo ~ actuality)
http://ameblo.jp/himitunokakera/entry-10564616226.html To want to in addition to, the ~ it is seeing, becoming tired, also the stomach was less crowded because,… Para querer a além do que, o ~ que é ver, tornando-se cansado, o estômago foi aglomerado igualmente menos porque,…
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,