- Event weekly end, a liberal translation
http://forever-happy-sumi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-7177.html Persevering with the Hokkaido product spreading/displaying of the raw caramel department store of [kapibara], buying to the praising beauty of the [ru] daughter, that it is to think whether it probably will return, but just the box to put out, because this person does not eat content, you stopped 坚持与传播北海道的产品或显示未加工的焦糖百货商店[kapibara],买对[ru]女儿的称赞的秀丽,那它是认为它是否大概将返回,但是投入的箱子,因为这个人不吃内容,您停止了
- Summer vacation end, a liberal translation
http://kapilamb.at.webry.info/201008/article_12.html [kapibara]?! Why?! You here?! “It cannot go?”, a liberal translation [kapibara] ?! 为什么?! 您这里?! “它不可以是?”
- Turtle and [kapibara
http://ameblo.jp/maki222m/entry-10962335333.html You say that the karaoke companion took with the Gaea plug, it is [kapibara, a liberal translation 您说卡拉OK演唱伴侣采取了与Gaea插座,它是[kapibara
- あったかグッズ
http://ameblo.jp/pooh-paseri/entry-10409524786.html So, as for some time ago [kapibara] [pu] - in relaxation goods… 因此,作为有一段时间了前[kapibara] [pu] -在放松物品…
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,