- Maintenance, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/rengai/entry-11077860817.html Today the usual waist is distant the rear end 今天通常腰部是遥远的尾端
- First paragraph phrase
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/masakatu_1971/e/62a250636e7874efb81b975ecaf608e1 Today celebrating first paragraph phrase, and others it increased! The [ji] it is, the [ji], the [a], thank you!!, a liberal translation 今天庆祝它增加的第一个段词组和其他! [ji]它是, [ji], [a],谢谢!!
- [kapibara]., a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hirotty16/33897188.html Today the hospital always increasing, being packed, the [ru 今天医院总是增加,被包装, [ru
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://ameblo.jp/ayapooh0505/entry-10880573502.html Therefore today forerunner [wa] [tsu], it designated as the 涌 well lunch, the ~ 所以今天先行者[wa] [tsu],它选定了作为涌井午餐, ~
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,