- [kapibara] of beads
http://66133061.at.webry.info/201006/article_3.html Of course 5th anniversary limited [kiyara], it is and the [wa] is and from the tomorrow which is it attaches to the bag, goes to work Por supuesto 5to aniversario limitado [kiyara], es y [wa] es y a partir de la man¢ana que es ata al bolso, va a trabajar
- This letter has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
http://tukibosiruka.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/3/ Of course, by your…, a liberal translation Por supuesto, por su…
- The Hokkaido travelling of dream… (stratus 峡 ~ Asahi mountain zoo ~ actuality)
http://ameblo.jp/himitunokakera/entry-10564616226.html The distant place which is taken with the scenery and the photograph so, there is no meaning where that scenery comes out clearly and the [te] just a little became blurred always and the [ru] felt and… in dream was not the place where always by himself walked, saw from the car El lugar distante que se toma con el paisaje y la fotografía así pues, allí no es ninguÌn significado adonde sale ese paisaje claramente y [te] apenas el poco se empañó siempre y [ru] haber sentido y… en sueño no era el lugar adonde por el suyo caminó siempre, sierra del coche
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/emiponkahopon/entry-10364184261.html Of course, “it is lovely, it is lovely”, it did Por supuesto, “es encantador, él es encantador”, él hizo
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,