- It meets to [kapipara]?, a liberal translation
http://neutral-r.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/05/post-65da.html By the way, it probably can make the [kapibara] [tsu] [te] pet or,…… A propósito, probablemente puede hacer [kapibara] [tsu] [te] el animal doméstico o, ......
- And gathering
http://fetishroom.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-10-24-3 By the way the line to the hip becomes like this from modelling and the waist of the back, a liberal translation A propósito la línea a la cadera se convierte como esto del modelado y la cintura de la parte posterior
- [jiyaru] the [tsu] which is done! 10/21 minute [repo]①
http://tyobitto.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/1111-8a45.html By the way, that it was to obtain, tried, before the [u] 7 about men Toshi it associated, is, a liberal translation A propósito, eso era obtener, intentado, antes [u] de los 7 sobre los hombres Toshi él asociado, es
- The ~ which is such a character, a liberal translation
http://m-kaiiiro.cocolog-nifty.com/hamumoru/2010/05/post-59a7.html By the way, riding in my arm, it increases, the… [u]”, a liberal translation A propósito, montando en mi brazo, aumenta,… [u]”
- ��
http://ameblo.jp/visual64system/entry-10864837268.html By the way, this month it goes entirely, it is with we ask may <- A propósito, este mes va enteramente, está con nosotros pide puede
- Japanese weblog
http://tuma-kimagure.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-3b58.html By the way also today fine weather! ¡A propósito también hoy buen tiempo!
- バレンタインブレンド・イエメンモカマタリ・りんごチャイ・オリエンタルブレンド・町屋レディー
http://tiroriya2006.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-2267.html By the way the lie of hair when it touches, joining. It is the bristle, a liberal translation A propósito la mentira del pelo cuando toca, ensamblando. Es la cerda
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,