- [kapibara
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/futonoriko/e/9fb12419a99403c21a72ad0dc6dc2523 [kapibara] having done freely and easily, it is healed, (*^- ') [kapibara] fazendo livremente e facilmente, é curado, (*^- ')
- Will village zoo, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/aplicot-fairy0717/entry-10692169964.html [kapibara] coming out, the [ru] - it is good, also with lovely ♪♪ speed per hour 50km the [ru] it seems, it is good, we want, the ~ (the _) on the other hand it is the extent which would like to raise, it is good [kapibara] saindo, [ru] - é bom, igualmente com velocidade encantadora do ♪♪ por a hora 50km [ru] ele parece, ele é bom, nós quer, o ~ (_) de um lado que ele é a extensão que gostaria de levantar, ele é bom
- Cat nap (φωΦ), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/nuko-sama-nyasu2/entry-10876813956.html These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- It is completed cripes, the honey (φωΦ), a liberal translation
Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/katsu0105/diary/201104250000/ Next door of [kapibara] you did, it seems, it is the burn (((;), a liberal translation O ao lado [kapibara] de você fêz, ele parece, ele é a queimadura (((;)
- * Zoo & drinking meeting in Ueno *
http://ameblo.jp/o0-ebi-0o/entry-10498837419.html It is strange whether [kapibara]… with something from this [kapi] [kapibara] is born that, a liberal translation É estranho se [kapibara]… com algo disto [kapi] [kapibara] é nascido que
- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
http://ameblo.jp/e-feather/entry-10766651904.html This picture of [kapibara] it is too lovely the ♪ (the ´▽ `) Este retrato [kapibara] dele é demasiado encantador o ♪ (o `do ´▽)
- (・∀・){ケッケケ
http://blog.livedoor.jp/love5x5/archives/65310705.html 癒 And it is done in [kapibara]…When (the ´゜а゜ `) the dessert you insert in [kapibara], certainly it is tasty, don't you think?… 癒 e ele é feito em [kapibara]… quando (o `do ´゜а゜) a sobremesa que você introduz dentro [kapibara], certamente é saboroso, você não pensa? …
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,