- Sea playing mansion, 弍.
http://ameblo.jp/sq9jvn/entry-11055722167.html When it tried probably to take [kapibara] and eye line ktkr [jinbeezame], [eihirenu] (<-), it was blocked 当它大概设法采取[kapibara]和眼睛线ktkr [jinbeezame], [eihirenu] (
- With your [kapibara] 5th anniversary [me] - ♪, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/honobonousagi/entry-10449533787.html [kapibara] even 5th anniversary commemorations - REPT (゚ ∀ ゚) no [kapibara]甚而第5周年纪念记念- REPT (゚ ∀ ゚)没有
- Pillow pyro
http://ameblo.jp/ss07aw/entry-10740247713.html [kapibara] entering the hot spring, the [ru] (; _;)The [chi] [yo] - it is lovely, (; _;)[atashi] the hot spring we would like to go - [kapibara]进入温泉, [ru] (; _;)[凯爱] [yo] -它是可爱的, (; _;)[atashi]温泉我们希望去-
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/marttt-tbs/entry-10544590018.html The [kapibara] [tsu] [te] it is lovely, the ~ [tsu] [te] thinking, [kapibara] of the character which is the [ru] empty snow also it is to like also [riarukapibara], but…You say that everyone [riarukapibara] is not lovely, although is (' `) it is lovely, the ↓, a liberal translation [kapibara] [tsu] [te]它是可爱的, ~ [tsu] [te]认为, [kapibara是的]字符[ru]空的雪也它是也喜欢[riarukapibara],但是…您说大家[riarukapibara]不是可爱的,是,虽然(‘`)它是可爱的, ↓
- The book it is large.
http://ameblo.jp/kyokutyou/entry-10593281117.html Because 4 scenes of [kapibara] came out after a long time, you bought 由于4个场面[kapibara]在很长时间以后出来了,您买了
- Iwai
http://ameblo.jp/nighmare-midnight/entry-10498018964.html Everyone you know [kapibara], don't you think?, a liberal translation 您知道的每个人[kapibara],您不认为?
- The brain seeing [so] dissolves, just a little the tend, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ogurajinjya/archives/51503069.html It is dissolving allowance of the extent where it calls [kapibara] the alpaca, calls the alpaca [kapibara] and does not doubt, a liberal translation 它溶化它叫程度的容限[kapibara]羊魄,电话羊魄[kapibara]和不怀疑
- Large incident!, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/rin-takanashi/entry-11031198192.html It was put to [kapibara, a liberal translation 它被投入了对[kapibara
- The [mu] tight the [nu] [tsu] paragraph ♪, a liberal translation
http://kuroten-fun.at.webry.info/201112/article_4.html Everyone you know [kapibara], don't you think?, a liberal translation 您知道的每个人[kapibara],您不认为?
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://endaka.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/1479/ Trophy with Gaea plug!! The [riratsukuma] 2 [kapibara] 2 bean lawn 1 u four catchers it is forcing! 与Gaea插座的战利品!! [riratsukuma] 2台[它强迫的kapibara] 2台豆草坪1 u四俘获器!
Capybara, Nature, Adorable,