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Thin the cherry tree ogre [ke] it is and is!!
The betrayal has known my name
○■ As for that it was the gu itar of [wa] teacher, it is, but this in opportunity the [ya] it is in the [a] [zu] in knowing the past of the teacher the ^^;
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○■ With the meaning which is said, 'the [ke] of the present term largest expectation it is and is!'2nd period 'the [ke] it is and is!!'You saw
○■ Judo section! Tea ceremon y section! … Is, the fear k which remembers those 1 stories (the abbreviation 唯 above the original cutely collected!!!
It is? Just a little wait, the purity [] which has kissed indirectly!!!
2 as for stories when it is the original, “consequence [ri]” story of 2nd year
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[tsu]! Don't you think? it was 櫻 well, while www voice hearing, Saya's thing you remember…. ゚ (゚ ´д `゚) ゚.
Saya…Saya well the [a]. ゚ (゚ ´д `゚) ゚. Well the [a]!!!
○■ The [ke] it is and is!! S tart better seed!! At the house of supervision next week Monday you see, whether or not the [re] [ru]…
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