- As for sunrise prince 2 framework 4th = horse racing NHK mile cup
http://dsmtk007.seesaa.net/article/149097504.html As for [kingureoporudo] as for 6 framework 12th, [danonshiyantei] as for 7 framework 13th, [reto] 8 framework 16th it entered in 至于为[kingureoporudo]至于为6框架第12, [danonshiyantei]至于7框架的第13, [reto] 8框架第16它输入了
- As for sunrise prince 2 framework 4th = horse racing NHK mile cup
http://matometeron.seesaa.net/article/149097550.html As for [kingureoporudo] as for 6 framework 12th, [danonshiyantei] as for 7 framework 13th, [reto] 8 framework 16th it entered in 至于为[kingureoporudo]至于为6框架第12, [danonshiyantei]至于7框架的第13, [reto] 8框架第16它输入了
- As for sunrise prince 2 framework 4th = horse racing NHK mile cup
http://okioki777.seesaa.net/article/149097661.html As for [kingureoporudo] as for 6 framework 12th, [danonshiyantei] as for 7 framework 13th, [reto] 8 framework 16th it entered in 至于为[kingureoporudo]至于为6框架第12, [danonshiyantei]至于7框架的第13, [reto] 8框架第16它输入了
- NHK mile cup 2010
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mayba/e/60dd1e6d525004556fe08c40821e260c We want to just the [kingureoporudo] pog possession horse persevering, but it is, past tendency “coming, phase to 3 arrivals” has densely appeared color, it cannot push positively 我们要对坚持[kingureoporudo] pog财产的马,但是它是,来过去的倾向“对3到来的阶段”有密集地出现的颜色,它不可能肯定地推挤
Sanraizupurinsu, Gamble,