- Absolute zero I) no
http://ameblo.jp/greenperilla/entry-10507981533.html As for the upper door “tonight 9 o'clock, 'absolute zero' seeing, don't you think?!”With the [bu] and it came, appealed itself starring drama, but one shot ok receives “with words… more… “absolute zero” with various [burogu] search ≫ “absolute zero” with the newspaper sight search ≫ “absolute zero” with Amazon search ≫ “absolute zero” with optimism search ≫ “absolute zero” with 2ch the search ≫
- The [konban] cup it is dense*
http://ameblo.jp/900841/entry-10507846330.html Upper door 彩 drama of starring,
- Again.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/steave_s/archives/51823165.html Because drama of the upper door 彩 when doing, it is low, is audience rating, perhaps it is not excessively expected, however it is probably will be,…
Absolute zero, Drama,