- By the way.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gutemoku/e/e8d683dcf222b20735f7ac7eaecaab78 The [a] - bosom it forces, (the ´× `)! ¡[A] - pecho que fuerza, (el `del ´×)!
- Chorus competition
http://ameblo.jp/okita-souji/entry-10580771526.html Alma mater song will be sung by all means with everyone!”
It became the [tsu] [te], but it is me, at all you could not remember and could not sing it is, don't you think? |Ω) Everyone around does not come shine, singing, however [te] bosom it has died, while that hearing, “song and the [tsu] [ke]?”The extent which is heard in the [tsu] [te] friend it was not remembered La canción del mater de Alma será cantada por supuesto con cada uno!”
¿Llegó a ser [tsu] [te], pero él está, en absoluto que usted no podría recordar y que no podría cantarlo es, usted no piensa? |¿Î©) cada uno alrededor no viene brillo, cantando, no obstante ha muerto el pecho [del te] él, mientras que esa audiencia, “canción y [tsu] [KE]? ” El grado que se oye en [tsu] [te] amigo él no era recordado
Ode land Praise, Music,