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○■ 資源エネルギー庁
○■ Why, in France being able to write to here, in Japan where accident occurs not being able to write?
○■ Tokyo Electric Power from 14 days, in every area stops transmission of electricity in order, it announced that “plan power failure” is executed,, a liberal translation
○■ Tokyo Electric Power on t he 18th, decided the retirement of 4 ends of the month with front resource energy agency director concerning Tetsu Ishida of the advisor,
○■ Multipara economical staf f and others compulsory self-control to electric power company, a liberal translation
○■ The reason where a word t hat is not audible it increases the ratio of renewable energy, was recognized, but, a liberal translation
○■ So the Japanese Japan Com munist Party it introduced that danger of the catastrophe due to power source stop with the tidal wave was pointed out, a liberal translation
○■ This looks at essence and only it is erroneous thing,
○■ Is because accident of th e Fukushima first nuclear power plant in opportunity, from the economic industrial ministry and the like criticism has increased in “order exerted from above” to electrical industry,, a liberal translation
○■ Also all the electric pow er company officials are exile in regard to property forfeiture and inside the Fukushima nuclear building
○■ If it is many but it is s omething which as for resource energy agency cannot control the electric power of general home, cannot calculate, when it designates forcing power failure as mortgage, if it leaps and the [tsu] return is many, to lose weight, not to can be patient, should have become power failure just
Natural Resources,