- Chocolate
http://ameblo.jp/tankisa1029/entry-10499457995.html Don't you think? today finally venture japan and, however also [wanpi] is good, the venture japan seeing and, 俣 [netabare] it went round with [akan] quickly, it can meet it has gone with malicious tongue princess to handshake meeting of 5 years ago which go and with “to forge the [wa] which would like to go and, and, today - the [ru]” how,…Love how, expectation it was not done to 5 years ago, 昌 what kind of it is and the [ro] [te], whether the [te], whether the [te], it is quick, we would like to see with chocolate youtube of 俣 [kunchipa], perhaps it is and [ro] drawn
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/mo-tada-a-ryo/entry-10499565159.html It started from today, “venture japan Seki [jiyani] ∞map”
- More and more the ♪
http://blog.livedoor.jp/aromas/archives/51816309.html However it is the captain where also today looks at [pairetsu] - (∀ ) Don't you think? like the circle appears in Seki [jiyukon] and when - (* the `*) the notice which is the good seniors you see, … Venture japan! Seki [jiyani] map something the [a] which more and more becomes the pleasure - (the ¯ ¯) until now can [jiyani] and Seki [pani] to be seen, because the side you applied, don't you think? you see normally and the [re] [ru] it is the [ho] are in the [ma] before that of [ureshii] tomorrow only test the [tsu] and
JAPAN Adventure, Broadcast,