- [oripa] No ××× of 116 - vision?! -
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hiroking6_6/26419973.html And, how!
[girateina] (usually with 1 credit ver. ) Discharge!!, a liberal translation E, como!
[girateina] (geralmente com 1 ver do crédito. ) Descarga!!
- original letters
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-9d58.html Next…[girateina]: [pokemon] which lives in the reversal world, is called God, a liberal translation Em seguida… [girateina]: [pokemon] que vive no mundo da reversão, é chamado Deus
- Japanese Letter
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/eastnarlgroupes2/43180668.html By the way, the forerunner two body is weak in [girateina] together, but also [miyuutsu] & [yukinoo] have been popular, Pela maneira, o corpo do precursor dois é fraco dentro [girateina] junto, mas também [miyuutsu] & [o yukinoo] foi popular,
Dialga, Video Game,