- Wax time, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mico-apartment/entry-10804259970.html Wax time you know? 蜡时间您知道?
- Truth of wax time, a liberal translation
http://ooe.moe-nifty.com/flower/2011/02/post-926b.html Wax time (the wax plum) it is actual 蜡时间(蜡李子)它是实际的
- The old calendar New Year ○● opening, you question with the [me], it is!!
http://sinoyemusic.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-5af5.html God like wax time because you found, the flower essence was made! That the God which the [wa] is done awakes in everything, ☆☆☆ this year we ask misera☆, and the Palace of the Sea Goddess 苑 may, a liberal translation 象蜡时间的上帝,因为您发现了,花精华被做了! 的上帝[wa]做在一切, ☆☆☆今年醒我们要求misera☆,并且海女神苑的宫殿可以
- ろうばい(4)
http://ooe.moe-nifty.com/flower/2010/01/post-37ab.html It is wax time (wax plum) 蜡时间(蜡李子)是
Chimonanthus, Nature,