- February release information [o]!
http://nao-no-heya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-fa52.html Although today the [yo] it is (Fukuda flower sound) [yavua] it passes Aunque [yo] esté hoy (sonido) de la flor de Fukuda [yavua] pasa
- [piratsupopenpenanburera]!
http://nao-no-heya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-c1c4.html At the point where also [mobekimasu] which it cannot go conversely becomes matter of concern… En el punto donde también [mobekimasu] a que no puede ir inversamente se convierte la materia de la preocupación…
- April release information! & worldwide advance!
http://nao-no-heya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-a37d.html The ↑ is the [a] copying of new ℃-ute El ↑ es [a] el copiado del nuevo ℃-ute
- U-17~~~!
http://nao-no-heya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-5a48.html Anyhow, praying of [sumaireji] participation from this, it increases De todos modos, rogación de la participación [del sumaireji] de esto, aumenta
- At the [a] looking it comes and the [i] [tsu] is [o] ~ such as reason
http://nao-no-heya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-ef2f.html The [o] [o], the [yo] it is boyishly! The [yo] it is, how cooking, it is lovely, however it is, don't you think? ¡[O] [o], [yo] está infantilmente! ¿[Yo] es, cómo cocinando, él es encantador, no obstante es, usted no piensa?
Sumaireji, Music,