- Miscellaneous impressions (automatic clerk concentration, strange pattern, the conduct with organizational defensive feeling), a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hikorisatoh/e/790768ddb05ece453efc0e05b4d8b94f After that, a little calmness, in this case, the feeling which sits down strangely in the stomach is felt, but floating like the contents where is similar in also the almost automatic clerk, a liberal translation Após isso, pouco calmness, neste caso, o sentimento que se senta para baixo estranha no estômago é feltro, mas flutuação como os índices onde é similar igualmente no caixeiro quase automático
- tanin henogo shinsetsu ha
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/camaleonte/e/b0ae908ad54640b826f5542d04d5e586 After that, producing the coffee in inside, just you talked a little with that, a liberal translation Após isso, produzindo o café dentro para dentro, apenas você falou pouco com aquele
- Shyness play, and cute encounter by we Taro like the hell, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hi_smile/archives/65514084.html That former times, impression could be shared here Esse os tempos anteriores, impressão podiam ser compartilhados aqui
- The SBS cup 3 old Hayashi militarys officer it is thick the way of fight of 10 Kikuchi large mediating/helping
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/c_setagaya/e/4b85cc481aa9b37e72126b886d273a73 After that, it shot chute 3 through 80 minutes, saw the whole pitch and it was increasing also the Early cross whose timing is good Após o esse, disparou na rampa 3 a 80 minutos, viu que o passo do todo e aumentavam igualmente a cruz adiantada cujo o sincronismo é bom
Ghana, retail sales,