- 本日の昼食
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/08youkai/e/2bed9adb7e8cbe8dfa0c0e8a40568bb7 Today [tekisasubaga] of quantity limitation was eaten at the MaDONALD Aboshi store
http://ameblo.jp/mshindo/entry-10442654107.html Such an article appearing in present [ameburoniyusu], now it does and [tekisasubaga] of the new commodity is large popularity in the shelf when
- JAROって何JARO的な出来事
http://ameblo.jp/gogo-77bar-orz/entry-10439001498.html Examen, evaluation, le resume ,
- アメリカン♪その①
http://ameblo.jp/ponpoko-tacchi/entry-10437132503.html The present lunch is [tekisasubaga] ♪ Mack period limitation
- う~…( ̄ω ̄#)
http://ameblo.jp/wanwan2-cat/entry-10437848192.html The new menu of [ranchimakuto] ゙ of the present it is slow [me]? Cheese pulling out of [tekisasubaga] order…(¯ω¯)… (¯ω¯) The cheese entering, the [ru] [u] ~ entering, don't you think? the cheese of [ru] [u] [u] [u] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [makuto] ゙ the [honma] excessiveness however it is ~ sip it tried eating, after all…With smell ~ smell [i] ~
- テキサス。
http://ameblo.jp/misugon/entry-10438251300.html The fashion which if approached to [makudo] in the company return mono eating, there is no today, also [tekisasubagabanzu] is different usually at all and…Content, entering the onion fly, the [te], there is eating answer,…Large as for the next it is satisfactory…The kana where you can eat some [baga
- ♪テキサス(笑)♪
http://ameblo.jp/batako-jeep/entry-10438023369.html Today [tekisasubaga] unexpected of [makudo] which for the first time this was eaten it was tasty, (laughing) it is easy to eat (laughing) without the deca- [ku] so
- 昼休憩
http://ameblo.jp/densetu1/entry-10435606133.html The present lunch 520 Yen does even with the [wa] employee discount which is made [tekisasubagasetsuto], however consist of (laughing) nevertheless the busy raw cartridge it is the [wa] where we blog becomes the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] (laughing) well, to be able to obtain also today, however the MaDONALD clue [tsu] [te] person informed generally seems, being at the point where clue informs, and when the [ro] manager does the information red sandal wood, however you are hasty, don't you think? * Well, the net which in the world does not make the partner the [tsu] fumbling, to pull and be confined and the pitiful mania guy who the friend is not doing, [ru] thing you probably will do the [ro] [ku] the thing plug [wa
- EXH始まりー☆
http://ameblo.jp/nozomi0906/entry-10435968168.html Today [mario] [tsu] temporary doing, it increased, - many degrees dying, don't you think? continue and the [tsu] which sows it is die (laughing) another, about 53 times the small fish it passes with total and is don't you think? - (laughing) with 6 aspects you said at last and!! Because also long [a] orz tomorrow payday of this month enjoys too much even with the [baito] [tsu], it perseveres, however it is the [ru] it is the [ru] - <- in the afternoon the intention of going to [nitori] it goes truly, or still there is no [wa] can, in addition (laughing) with before this of the tomorrow. it made in section life, you saw, it seems, the [tsu] which is divided with the dumpling* However with you thought, because [tekisasubaga] of the Mack new work was eaten, with this the way if it is different from the ~ picture without fail and - (laughing) volume it was not left over and - (laughing) cripes being completed
- やっぱり今日は暇だった(☆。☆)
http://ameblo.jp/sayama94/entry-10430414169.html Whether therefore after all three consecutive holidays, it could not sell, today but, that much, as for nap however the large quantity it did, don't you think? the flow of society [imaichi] they were 1 days which cannot be grasped to the remedy of the meat leaving it is good or it probably will form well, if you say, the Mack of the acquaintance store manager is, new [amerikanbaga] densely calling to the empty eating, you said, something the hamburger of the enormous quantity it seems, but it cannot eat, probably will be, when going to eating whether the person who was already eaten it is [tekisasubaga] you said don't you think? something it is the [kin] meat man like, the stomach it does not prepare, with the [wa] falling [yu] he grows hoarse with the [wa], -
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