- Vancouver Olympics
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hassei1980/e/951dfc91ca3d75cd35f5707090a41f64 Good morning! Yokohama market, the tuna. The Qing! ! Bonjour! Yokohama marché, le thon. Les Qing! !
- Pearl Pink Ribbon
http://ameblo.jp/sparkle-nail/entry-10457678788.html It is the opening of the Olympic Winter Games from Japan Today Minasama Good Morning - Please luck C est l ouverture des Jeux Olympiques d hiver en provenance du Japon d aujourd hui Minasama Good Morning - S il vous plaît chance
- * Love chocolate *
http://ameblo.jp/swim-yamanota/entry-10458229672.html How are you today by Good morning today is Nakamura ( ∀ `) Comment allez-vous aujourd hui par Good morning aujourd hui est Nakamura ( ∀ `)
- 寒いですね。
http://ameblo.jp/hot-cha/entry-10457628114.html Hayou located Oops! Vancouver Olympic Games it is finally! It s about my long celebration of the country, of a man from an exciting festival knew I did I do? Japan Barre Gun! Hayou Oops situé! Jeux olympiques de Vancouver, il est enfin! Il s agit de mon célébration du pays, d un homme d un festival passionnant je ne savais-je faire? Japon Barre Gun!
Vancouver Olympics, Sport,