- Japanese weblog
http://nagamatsu.air-nifty.com/oyaji/2010/08/15-2010817-4611.html The morning of [puketsuto] 3rd day was entered, a liberal translation [puketsuto]第3天的早晨进入了
- ONE PIECE インペルダウン編・マリンフォード編時程
http://littlewing2007.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/one-piece-8d35.html The soldier before the passage entrance to of the Bonn clay ⇒level3 is made to destroy 战士,在对波恩黏土⇒level3的段落入口被做毁坏之前
- ONE PIECE インペルダウン編時程
http://littlewing2007.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/one-piece-b91a.html The soldier before the passage entrance to of the Bonn clay ⇒level3 is made to destroy 战士,在对波恩黏土⇒level3的段落入口被做毁坏之前
Flying squirrel, Nature,