- November 3rd (water) [bu] and coming that 2
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ruoto_ssrx50/e/d816fdceed1dc03373b1876e91414b32 22:45 from echofon Uga [anaunsakawaii]? Well 23:34 from echofon the [tsu] which will sleep, a liberal translation 22:45 от echofon Uga [anaunsakawaii]? Хорошее 23:34 от echofon [tsu] которое будет спать
- [bu] and coming November 11th (Thursday) that 3, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ruoto_ssrx50/e/8fc9807bcc5cbd835a9156b210102790 If 23:54 from echofon it is accustomed, [kawaii] ones Если 23:54 от echofon оно accustomed, то [kawaii] одни
- [bu] and coming January 9th (Monday), a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ruoto_ssrx50/e/e79547f22423b916ea774c874c9b1b9c 16:11 from janetter (re: @jijikun27) @jijikun27 it is hard so? The [ge] [e] www 16:11 from janetter which it does (re: @rem_lover) @rem_lover it is the [chi] [tsu] it does densely, - 16:52 from janetter (re: @jijikun27) It is the @jijikun27 fearful ice,… 17:39 from hootsuite (re: @hiyoko915) Well, it could make a break through 16:11 от janetter (re: @jijikun27) @jijikun27 трудно так? [Ge] [e] 16:11 www от janetter которое оно делает (re: @rem_lover @rem_lover) оно [хи] [tsu] оно делает плотно, - 16:52 от janetter (re: @jijikun27) Это пугливый лед @jijikun27,… 17:39 от hootsuite (re: @hiyoko915) Наилучшим образом, оно смогл сделать a выходить сквозь отверстие
- [bu] and coming September 15th (Thursday)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ruoto_ssrx50/e/5b19fadf9366fb1e0059cbf12bee4ee5 14:36 from janetter2 the [a]… condition is bad,… 14:38 from janetter2 (re: @yyyzakki) The 14:44 from janetter2 which @yyyzakki is the [hu] and the [tsu] it does (re: @emy0228) @emy0228 thank you 14:36 от janetter2 [a]… условие плох,… 14:38 от janetter2 (re: @yyyzakki) 14:44 от janetter2 которое @yyyzakki [hu] и [tsu] оно делает (re: @emy0228) @emy0228 благодарят вас
Flying squirrel, Nature,