- 12/20 LM.C TOUR' 09-winter- Fukuoka LIVE HOUSE CB
http://ameblo.jp/monochromexbutterfly/entry-10417073803.html metally and ☆rock the lm.c☆ and boys&girls always the @ ardor which is the like feeling are tremendous, is, (the ´∀ `) the [shi] ゙ [yurietsuto] [tsu] [te] you shout, the trust me [tsu] [te] as for maya which is said you think, that it is cute, (with >∪, remembering with mc, as for [ru]…You can utilize sadistically
- It is abrupt, but it is problem. [jiyakajiyan].
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ikeike73/archives/51486346.html “trust me”. As for meaning, “the seriousness of neat weight of the level which is put out”
- Trust me!
http://ameblo.jp/nagaeps/entry-10425149708.html The word, “trust me”, now, has had important meaning
trust me
Trust Me, Music,