- Slot: Present rainbow and secret of tomorrow, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/jsblog/entry-10719901167.html The juggler, temporarily It was good, is Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/k-grand/entry-10693580730.html Juggler ex25@@ Jongleur ex25@@
- This day!!!!!! GM chief does the favorite selfishness!!!!! ★5 [surogetsutsu]*
http://ameblo.jp/gmtoyoda/entry-11022279285.html As for secret of juggler series extreme shining ♪ enjoyment there is appreciation!!!!!! Trying searching, don't you think? the ~!!!!!!, a liberal translation Was Geheimnis anbetrifft Jongleur-Reihe des extremen glänzenden ♪ Genusses gibt es Anerkennung!!!!!! Versuchendes Suchen, nicht denken Sie? das ~!!!!!!
- This day!!!!!! 〓 [monpisu] 〓~ God descending/disembarking overlooking Ver.~
http://ameblo.jp/gmtoyoda/entry-10995070424.html The juggler series all series super relief of case classified by ♪ by all means②Trial ♪ Die Jongleur-Reihe, die alle Reihensuperentlastung des Falles durch ♪ sich auf jeden Fall einstufte②Probe♪
- This day!!!!!! Challenge motion of ★GM SPECIAL★ appreciation EXPERT★ monkey!!!!!!
http://ameblo.jp/gmtoyoda/entry-11009279547.html As for secret of juggler series extreme shining ♪ enjoyment there is appreciation!!!!!! Trying searching, don't you think? the ~!!!!!!, a liberal translation Was Geheimnis anbetrifft Jongleur-Reihe des extremen glänzenden ♪ Genusses gibt es Anerkennung!!!!!! Versuchendes Suchen, nicht denken Sie? das ~!!!!!!
- This day!!!!!! Challenge motion of ★GM SPECIAL★ appreciation EXPERT★ monkey!!!!!!
http://ameblo.jp/gmtoyoda/entry-11029135225.html Secret of juggler series extreme shining ♪ enjoyment!!!!!! Roundly every the appreciation ♪♪ including [chi] [ya] it was!!!! Was Geheimnis anbetrifft Jongleur-Reihe des extremen glänzenden ♪ Genusses gibt es Anerkennung!!!!!! Versuchendes Suchen, nicht denken Sie? das ~!!!!!!
- ◆9/22 (wood) result
http://ameblo.jp/joy-setteisi-777/entry-11026340418.html Juggler series 508th<1,726pt>516th<1,186pt>521st<2,591pt>3 unit sum totals<5,503pt>, a liberal translation Maßeinheits-Gesamtsummen der Jongleur-Reihe 508th516th521st3
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://ameblo.jp/amdy-ishi/entry-10759731420.html Jug ex lowest It does not become the ♪ Krug ex lowestIt wird nicht das ♪
Fist of the Blue Sky, Manga,