- Mask rider W 25th story “the amusement of P/the doll the hand habit is bad”,/amusement of 26th story “P/the sub- tree child on the run”
http://fortune-cookie.cocolog-nifty.com/ryuki/2010/06/2526-9d2a.html Taro Sho, looking at the sub- tree child directly, has known her what kind of human O Taro Sho, olhando a criança sub- da árvore diretamente, soube o seu que tipo do ser humano
- Hero time synopsis + thought of 1/3
http://ameblo.jp/somnak-1128/entry-10425697352.html Taro Sho tried to stop O Taro Sho tentou parar
- V/grudge animal of double 12th story “vengeance”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/ab0704b9d1042f596a931c6625a7f09d Taro Sho informs in order to apologize to [sachi] in the hot water island, O Taro Sho informa a fim desculpar-se a [o sachi] no console da água quente,
- Double #47
http://ameblo.jp/angel613/entry-10620084620.html After Taro Sho the [tsu] [te] where Phillip goes out knowing Após o Taro Sho [tsu] [te] onde Phillip sai sabendo
- Mask rider W 27th story “D saw,/transparent [majikaruredei]”/28th story “D saw,/the twin maximum of decision death”
http://fortune-cookie.cocolog-nifty.com/ryuki/2010/07/2728-6f69.html For Taro Sho and Phillip, the mask rider [tsu] [te], what you say helps being troubled, when you look at the [ru] person, that, the companion is made important when, it believes, starting from the place where it melts and, says the [ru] it is even Para o Taro Sho e Phillip, o cavaleiro da máscara [tsu] [te], o que você diz ajudas que está sendo incomodado, quando você olhar a pessoa [ru], que, o companheiro é feito importante quando, acreditar, começando do lugar onde derrete e, diz que [ru] é uniforme
- Float float ♪ spring after a long time the shelf ~♪♪
http://ameblo.jp/silvers-precious-ll-be/entry-10494273419.html Taro Sho, the beauty shape triangle of Phillip and dragon Taro Sho, o triângulo da forma da beleza de Phillip e dragão
- Mask rider W 33rd story
http://ameblo.jp/sdfkiva555/entry-10522098555.html Taro Sho returned to sanity Taro Sho retornado à sanidade
- La possibilité de l'histoire « G/you du cavalier W quarantième de masque ne peut pas vous permettre, »
http://nora709.blog105.fc2.com/blog-entry-989.html Taro Sho holding up joker memory, used voice on Phillip and the dragon Taro Sho que sustenta a memória do palhaço, a voz usada em Phillip e o dragão
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/kimidori-mameta/entry-10446958273.html As the illuminating well change of heart happens a little with touching the half boiled of Taro's Sho, in the future the Taro Sho Phillip sub- tree child it may be able to build good relationship being, you felt at rest Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , linked pages are Japanese
- The men succeeded in making
http://ameblo.jp/black-magic-general/entry-10459333284.html Taro Sho persuades in order to surrender in the twill, but you call the twill that we want waiting to morning of tomorrow, O Taro Sho persuade a fim render-se no twill, mas você chama o twill que nós queremos a espera à manhã de amanhã,
- Rider W 16 story u0026quot;F o Torimodose afterglow of a partneru0026quot;
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rionnouji/e/4e07a6ba481484a1cd039497be11af12 Taro Sho we would like to go to help, but is caught in organization and does not go to the meaning which is perplexed before the Phillip which, fang memory O Taro Sho que nós gostaríamos de ir ajudar, mas para ser travado na organização e não vai ao significado que é perplexed antes do Phillip que, memória do colmilho
- 仮面ライダーW 第18話 『さらばNよ/友は風と共に』
http://nora709.blog105.fc2.com/blog-entry-837.html Taro Sho kept being present the pulling [tsu] grasping coat and hat and [metsuto], ill humor so O Taro Sho manteve-se estar atual puxar [tsu] agarrando o revestimento e o chapéu e [metsuto], humor doente assim
- 仮面ライダーW 第16話
http://ameblo.jp/mietaros60/entry-10427931671.html Taro Sho got angry to the good quality of the condition of blade field detective, Phillip kept going away teaching that burglar offense of the false mask rider is in the waste factory, with [hadoboiruda O Taro Sho começ irritado à boa qualidade da condição do detetive do campo da lâmina, Phillip manteve-se ir afastado ensinar que a ofensa do assaltante do cavaleiro falso da máscara está na fábrica waste, com [hadoboiruda
- お前の罪を数えろ・・な仮面ライダーW12話
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kill3418/e/7b7ff2ba2499a01fa793a48403df2df2 Taro Sho “- the paragraph [yo] - it is” Taro Sho “- o parágrafo [yo] - é”
- 加速した後に後ろを向くなよ・・・
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/2008822/e/4fd35077c4290a3bc8dd0a831a439085 Does Taro Sho yearning to the [tsu] after all cripes, become hard boiled (faked)? Faz o Taro Sho que anseia ao [tsu] após todos os cripes, torna-se fervido duramente (falsificado)?
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