- Japanese talking
http://bambigarden.blog75.fc2.com/blog-entry-303.html By the way, the viola of this foot, there are also times when reflection is bad, but way the saddle - - - the [ku] [te] blankly it has shone, furthermore it is the flower, a liberal translation Pela maneira, a viola deste pé, lá é igualmente épocas quando a reflexão é má, mas maneira a sela - - - [ku] [te] em branco brilhou, além disso é a flor
- original letters
http://sikaiin-tenbou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-defb.html By the way, it is something where the white chrysanthemum arranged those which have been placed in the article of last week and changed, a liberal translation Pela maneira, é algo onde o crisântemo branco arranjou aqueles que foram coloc no artigo da semana passada e mudadas
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/shirokuma-chan/entry-10437575935.html By the way “庚 寅” [tsu] [te] of snack inscription like this [yu] [u] meaning Pela maneira “庚寅” [tsu] [te] de inscrição do petisco goste disto [yu] [u] significado
- お正月用のお花
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/heal0705/58634318.html By the way the ↓ is the flower of last year Pela maneira o ↓ é a flor do ano passado
flowering kales, Avocation,