- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/inase-1222/entry-10751716314.html This year the leaf peony which densely the ~ it is last year when it is the cut flower is received (laughing), [metsuchiya] it increased, the ~ Este ano o peony da folha que densa o ~ ele é o ano passado quando é a flor de corte é recebido (rindo), [metsuchiya] aumentou, o ~
- Leaf peony
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/m_meron625/51195134.html This year it had planting the leaf peony Este ano teve a plantação do peony da folha
- Planting changing lag tendency of leaf peony
http://0141yasai-zukuri.moe-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-b863.html This year it plants and looking at the leaf peony which was changed, “it is great, also the fact that it is little”, is agreement 70 Este ano planta e olhando o peony da folha que foi mudado, “é grande, igualmente o fato de que é pequeno”, é o acordo 70
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://orenge.tea-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/2010-409a.html This year, group planting completion of cheapness, a liberal translation Este ano, grupo que planta a conclusão do preço baixo
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hitorigoto310/e/fbb45752cf64f0814e9cd91699d87332 It planted the New Year when we pray the multi happiness of everyone who this year asks may, you took with carrying, (with the ivy the leaf [marakoidesu] leaf peony of the lease [gadenshikuramen] nandina) were former times the feather attached to New Year's Day with the battledore? That it was and taking [tsukubane] which has been similar to the shape of the feather, it painted the paints, a liberal translation Plantou o ano novo em que nós pray a multi felicidade de todos que este ano pede pode, você tomou com carreg, (com a hera o peony da folha da folha [marakoidesu] do nandina do aluguer [gadenshikuramen]) era épocas anteriores a pena unida ao dia de ano novo com o battledore? Que era e tomar [tsukubane] que foi similar à forma da pena, ele pintou as pinturas
- ha botan de �� o demukae ��
http://xpoepoe.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-fd6d.html Leaf peony and [rinaria], it made the group planting of the leaf peony of this year, with the daisy and the white strange chrysanthemum, a liberal translation Peony da folha e [rinaria], fêz a plantação do grupo do peony da folha deste ano, com a margarida e o crisântemo estranho branco
- original letters
http://sayorin26.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-33.html This time, the leaf peony 8 stocks was bought Esta vez, os estoques do peony 8 da folha foram comprados
- Thank you
http://harakotudaijyoubu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-e333.html Because this year it received the leaf peony in grateful thing, the New Year's pine decoration is made Porque este ano recebeu o peony da folha na coisa grata, a decoração do pinho de ano novo é feita
- 葉牡丹
http://kodamamama1219922.cocolog-nifty.com/12/2009/12/post-7c40.html This year it is especially not to be busy reason, but if the usual omission is done in the various place (laughing) the Christmas lease and buying handmade of other one, it caused, the group planting of the leaf peony which you make by your divided friend and received Este ano não é especial ser razão ocupada, mas se a omissão usual está feita no vário lugar (riso) o aluguer e a compra do Natal handmade do outro, causou, a plantação do grupo do peony da folha que você faz por o senhor mesmo dividiu o amigo e o recebeu
flowering kales, Avocation,