- Suzuki it does, the [zu] child 29 year old 1948 (1948) from year 24 phrases
http://onibi.cocolog-nifty.com/alain_leroy_/2011/10/post-3042.html But, something probably beautiful Mas, algo provavelmente bonito
- But certainly that solution….
http://ameblo.jp/bbtmba/entry-10852899989.html But, it is really to be different, a liberal translation Mas, é ser realmente diferente
- “Rugged lock soul” of our springtime of life!!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/enjyounikki/archives/51715916.html But, there is no regret and the like Mas, não há nenhum pesar e semelhante
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/baltan50/entry-10645402358.html But, now when the height 瑠 becomes like this, that was thought in order there is no meaning at all,, a liberal translation Mas, agora quando o 瑠 da altura se torna como este, isso não foi pensado em ordem lá é nenhum significado de todo,
Avalanche, Reportage,