- The Fukuoka [sohutobanku] [hokusu] victory, a liberal translation
http://umanari-s48.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-20-3 Because middle day was the Ochiai supervision rust, we wanted winning and, a liberal translation Porque el día medio era el moho de la supervisión de Ochiai, quisimos ganar y
- There is no base sphere, thatⅠ., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mach-speed/entry-11086353814.html Middle day applied the perfection of Ochiai supervision. respectively, don't you think? “you thought” and it was the series, a liberal translation El día medio aplicó la perfección de la supervisión de Ochiai. ¿respectivamente, usted no piensa? “usted pensó que” y era la serie
- In [sukaipu] hammer [tsu] [te] [ru] person…
http://ameblo.jp/moyamoya02/entry-11084725393.html Ochiai supervision of middle day however the flower way could not be decorated, showed the good baseball, a liberal translation La supervisión de Ochiai del día medio sin embargo la manera de la flor no se podía adornar, demostrado el buen béisbol
- As for not being able to win consequence of shock position?
http://hinodekobo.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-4206.html It was the medium day fan, it ended in the regrettable result and as I who expect the compilation into one book of the Ochiai baseball, but it had making the series enjoy greatly Era el ventilador medio del día, terminó en el resultado deplorable y mientras que I que cuenta con la compilación en un libro del béisbol de Ochiai, solamente él tenía haciendo que la serie goza grandemente
The Japan Series, Sport,