- Photograph meeting in master Yagi mountain zoo
http://yosipon.cocolog-nifty.com/yosipon/2011/11/post-86d9.html 2011 October 30 everyday day of the week cloudiness 16.1/12.1 Día diario de 2011 el 30 de octubre de la nubosidad 16.1/12.1 de la semana
- Searching [su] [ki] [yo, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nishime_001/e/c2c380230f977957968143be86ebe028 [okera] like 2011 November 26th, a liberal translation [okera] como el 26 de noviembre 2011
- weblog title
http://cb400rdhp.cocolog-nifty.com/test/2010/08/post-f895.html 2010 Hokkaido two the animal which encounters Hokkaido 2010 dos el animal que encuentra
- Japanese weblog
http://komorebi-yureru.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-f9c8.html 2010, freely and easily it became freely and easily start 2010, se convirtió libremente y fácilmente libremente y comienza fácilmente
Northern Goshawk, Nature,