- Once upon a time even in the world of the human
http://mumon-endainikki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-de96.html [ootaka] of this time the bird the releasing bird did young in the forest, but so apply to the forest being done, as expected, you probably can live? [ootaka] deste tempo o pássaro o pássaro de liberação fêz jovens na floresta, mas assim que aplique à floresta que está sendo feita, como esperado, você pode provavelmente vivo?
- [misago] of estuary
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/takasago12/e/3cc145c3dc144b7636b4f0a01c35b0fd Present estuary [misago], [jiyoubitaki] of estuary pad of [ootaka] morning, a liberal translation Estuário atual [misago], [jiyoubitaki] da almofada do estuário da manhã [do ootaka
- ieyasu no suki na mono �� 10/11/28 ��
http://suraimu9.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/11/101128-a78e.html From calling, the deer skin setting in the arm at one time, [ootaka] placing, the like [wa] [tsu] [tsu] [tsu] [tsu, a liberal translation Da chamada, os cervos descasc o ajuste no braço ao mesmo tempo, [ootaka] coloc, The Like [wa] [tsu] [tsu] [tsu] [tsu
- オオタカがカラスを狩った
http://northfox.cocolog-nifty.com/zakkichou/2009/04/post-5b00.html Present night “Darwin of NHK synthesis from 7:30 came! As for living thing new legend”, with “you were surprised in [ootaka] town and hunting”, it was special edition concerning the hunt of [ootaka] which recently advances to the town A noite atual “Darwin da síntese de NHK do 7:30 veio! Quanto para à legenda nova da coisa viva”, com “você foram surpreendidos na cidade [do ootaka] e caça”, era edição especial a respeito da caça de [ootaka] que avança recentemente à cidade
Northern Goshawk, Nature,