- White and [ao, a liberal translation
http://bulbulmt.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-113c.html Among such, [ootaka] flew through the blue sky 在这样之中, [ootaka]通过蓝天飞行
- WIN5 rekidai saitei haitou �� 2 man'en todoka zu !!
http://tigers1985.blog23.fc2.com/blog-entry-2533.html Among such, [teiemuootaka] and the un shell blue went, it went it was development, but collecting to the rear one step not reaching and victory horse, it was finished to pour, a liberal translation 在这样, [teiemuootaka]和联合国壳蓝色之中去,它去它是发展,但是收集对后方一步不到达和胜利马,完成它倾吐
- Main horse book = [huarukon] S of Carlos's
http://popoafrica.air-nifty.com/amigo/2011/03/s-0e83.html [serigu] of the professional baseball among such deciding 3/25 commencements, a liberal translation [serigu]在这样决定的3/25之中的职业棒球开始
- weblog title
http://hikarigaoka.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-975.html [onaga] among such increases the voice of precaution, crosses the pond the shadow which… [onaga]在这样增量之中防备措施,十字架声音池塘阴影…
Northern Goshawk, Nature,