- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/seven3comet/30686150.html The kingfisher is, the [o] - with you taught O martinho pescatore é, [o] - com você ensinou
- Sharp-edged tool of civilization? Only the difficult machine you can say in me, (^m^) [hu] ゚ [tsu, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bellban/e/d255b86c76262ad236321a2adb691f1a Searching the kingfisher, it flew to the [ru] and nearby wood, a liberal translation Procurarando o martinho pescatore, voou ao [ru] e à madeira próxima
- We would like to think” the kingfisher which returns” but?
http://okamphoto.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/post-9171.html It stopped in the place where the kingfisher stops and depended Parou no lugar onde o martinho pescatore para e dependeu
- Japanese talking
http://mbba2902.air-nifty.com/bmwbike/2010/09/post-35cd.html When the kingfisher speaks has scrambled the post with, saying, that already one it can stand, it increased, (laughing, a liberal translation Quando o martinho pescatore fala scrambled o borne com, dizer, esse já que pode estar, ele aumentou, (rindo
- original letters
http://hikarigaoka.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-861.html The kingfisher many degrees diving, ate [motsugo] and poured the [tsu] [te] attention which is sown, a liberal translation O martinho pescatore muitos graus que mergulham, comeu [motsugo] e derramou [tsu] [te] a atenção que é semeada
Northern Goshawk, Nature,