- The Tama river, a liberal translation
http://bulbulmt.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-2eee.html Today, being invited in the bird friend, went to the Tama river with fz150, a liberal translation Hoy, siendo invitado en el amigo del pájaro, fue al río de Tama con fz150
- 3rd feather count
http://halmo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-a06a.html Today this season was 3rd feather count day Esta estación era hoy 3ro día de la cuenta de la pluma
- Mermaid S, [badenbaden] C and five edge enclosure S potential results, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hatenkomode/53701672.html Today [imaichi] was the result [Imaichi] estaba hoy el resultado
- Main horse book = [huarukon] S of Carlos's
http://popoafrica.air-nifty.com/amigo/2011/03/s-0e83.html As for 3 day opening from today En cuanto a la abertura de 3 días de hoy
- 公園定期カウント
http://bulbulmt.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/post-fef4.html Today, 25 kinds were counted at all, a liberal translation Hoy, 25 clases fueron contadas en absoluto
Northern Goshawk, Nature,