- Perhaps that it is pleasant just me
http://mblg.tv/otknokuni/entry/553/ The face of hue baht (the glasses to be attached) the condensed milk dropping of course, we would like to watch the sexual spectacle…How, it is not thought, therefore it is, [uma] <-, a liberal translation La cara del baht de la tonalidad (los vidrios que se atarán) la leche condensada que cae por supuesto, quisiéramos mirar el espectáculo sexual… cómo, no se piensa, por lo tanto está, [el uma]
- 幸福は対抗の意識のうちにはなく、協調の...
http://yaplog.jp/101060/archive/1317 Hue baht even the miser thing it was understood well, a liberal translation Baht de la tonalidad incluso que la cosa del miser era entendido bien
- 本当の真実というものはいつでも真実らし...
http://yaplog.jp/101060/archive/1260 Hue baht is Mikako! It is lovely! Richard, a liberal translation ¡El baht de la tonalidad es Mikako! ¡Es encantador! Richard
Graces, Video Game,