- Perversidade (listra lateral)…!?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kizna_t/archives/1854294.html “[teiruzuobujiabisu]” the empty “[ruku]” of the protagonist and “the guy” of the close friend is appearance “[teiruzuobujiabisu]”空“[ruku]”主演和“人”亲密的朋友是出现
- Tradition of [teiruzuobu] skill
http://moon.ap.teacup.com/rozeo/468.html “Tradition 1 of [teiruzuobu] skill” [ge] - [mu “[teiruzuobu]技巧的传统1” [ge] - [mu
- 買ってしまった
http://inahokonjiki.blog32.fc2.com/blog-entry-1756.html Being able to sell also “[teiruzuobugureisesu]”, but [ru] like as for this decline waiting kana 能也卖“[teiruzuobugureisesu]”,但是[ru]象至于为这衰落等待的kana
- グレイセス レビューを知る
http://tw2.seesaa.net/article/135413273.html As for “the [teiruzuobu]” series, 1st work “[teiruzuobuhuantajia]” in 95 to be sold in the super for Family Computer, in for from now on various types… 关于“[teiruzuobu]”系列,第1工作“[teiruzuobuhuantajia]”在超级将卖的95为家庭计算机,为从现在起各种各样的类型…
Graces, Video Game,