- Lath boss, a liberal translation
http://mblg.tv/19930202/entry/918/ Richard's secret inner part. Wallpaper [iiyo, a liberal translation 理查的秘密内在零件。 墙纸[iiyo
- [gureisesu].
http://penguinkingdom.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/509/ As for Richard and hue baht when it is good sm [kiyara], thought ry 关于理查和颜色泰铢,当它是好sm [kiyara],想法ry
- Please pardon.
http://nilaikanai.cocolog-nifty.com/niraikanai/2011/10/post-0603.html “Richard standing and being filled looking at the light of [sohui], “that time” and?” that “理查身分和被填装看光[sohui], “那时候”并且?” 那
- Creative [kiyarabaton
http://mblg.tv/ryu000/entry/1321/ Richard “connected tired way” 理查“被连接的疲乏的方式”
- Richard favorite baton
http://mblg.tv/skystroll/entry/129/ Richard, [richiya], Crown Prince 理查, [richiya],皇太子
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/kaikomo/entry-10452441857.html Richard is groovy,… loving, it increases 理查是时髦的,…爱,它增加
- Gプレi(ry)
http://ameblo.jp/reborn-gokutuna/entry-10413510479.html Richard's secret inner part. Wallpaper [iiyo, a liberal translation 理查的秘密内在零件。 墙纸[iiyo
- Gプレイ日記っていうk(ry)
http://ameblo.jp/reborn-gokutuna/entry-10411671642.html When Richard is in pt, how becoming, high it is from the [wa]…Richard…What, a liberal translation 当理查是在pt,成为,高它怎么是从[wa]…理查…什么
- リチャードリチャードリチャード、バッカみたい!!
http://mblg.tv/adeyaka/entry/556/ When of Richard's thing is thought, because it cannot study, thing of the deflection lily thinking, it increases 当理查的事是想法,因为它不可能学习时,认为偏折的百合的事,它增加
Graces, Video Game,