- Effect it is thick!, a liberal translation
http://mblg.tv/barleytea/entry/632/ [gureisesu] f it clears and/or [zoon] it is to be confined it is, but effect be too thick…! [gureisesu] f que cancela e/ou [zoon] deve ser-lhe confinada é, mas o efeito seja demasiado grosso…!
- Tradition of [teiruzuobu] skill
http://moon.ap.teacup.com/rozeo/468.html Counting with the mother ship title which excludes [gureisesu], it increases, a liberal translation Contando com o título do navio de mãe que exclui [gureisesu], aumenta
- toutou
http://kazetodaichi.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/896/ Is in order to play [gureisesuehu], É a fim jogar [o gureisesuehu],
- fechi ��
http://kimagurenaduki.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/135/ [gureisesu] may be entwined especially the protagonist and in the future with work, because is [gureisesu] pode ser entrelaçado especial o protagonista e no futuro com trabalho, porque é
- [teiruzuobugureisesukuria] thought
http://ameblo.jp/ayumihatena/entry-10567573912.html With [gureisesu] also well enough the time or [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is to clearing to do even with, Lody as for enemy [tsu] [te] is an interest, (the no ∀ `*) Com [gureisesu] igualmente jorra bastante o tempo ou [tsu] [qui] [ya] [tsu] é ao cancelamento a fazer mesmo com, Lody quanto para ao inimigo [tsu] [te] é um interesse, (o `do ∀ do No. *)
- Japanese talking
http://blog.livedoor.jp/granzchesta/archives/51529841.html [gureisesu] it is reopening!! [gureisesu] está reabrindo!!
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/seiha0905/entry-10407907731.html The shank it is understood with [gureisesu, a liberal translation A pata compreende-se com [gureisesu
- とっくせんたいっ♪
http://yaplog.jp/moment_vision/archive/1498 Appearing in [gureisesu], the [tsu] [ke] which you wrapped…? Because [gureisesu], while it was not yet opening 1 week or more it passed, it is not understood and… Aparecendo dentro [gureisesu], [tsu] [KE] que você envolveu…? Porque [gureisesu], quando não abria ainda 1 semana ou mais que passou, não se compreende e…
- ヴェスペリア
http://surou.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-25-1 Also [gureisesu] comes out and, being busy, clearing is even the current person, therefore it is, those which cannot be developed a little extent slowly?, a liberal translation Igualmente [gureisesu] sai e, sendo ocupada, cancelando é mesmo a pessoa atual, conseqüentemente é, aqueles que não podem ser desenvolvidas pouca extensão lentamente?
- 今月も毎日ブログは無理だった
http://yaplog.jp/omuraisulove/archive/1101 [gureisesu] we want, we would like to play, - (`д´) the no [gureisesu] nós queremos, nós gostaríamos de jogar, - (д´ do `) o No.
Graces, Video Game,