- Delightful visit
http://sue-in-london.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-c52b.html Knowing each other, two friends where already also 17 years pass Kennen, zwei Freunde, wo bereits auch 17 Jahre verstreichen
- original letters
http://pommy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-ab27.html Future, inspecting with Internet, you knew, but is because, Ebara “here is enormous power spot”, that saying even after having become topic the [e] (゚ 0 ゚) as for I worshipping already was slow as for the person one person it was not, is, a liberal translation Die Zukunft, kontrollierend mit Internet, wussten Sie, aber sind, weil, Ebara „hier enormer Energienpunkt“ ist, dieses Sprechen selbst nachdem, das gewordene Thema habend [e] (゚ 0 ゚) was I anbetrifft, das bereits anbetet, waren langsam, was die Person anbetrifft der Person eine es nicht, ist war
- 森ガール☆って・・・
http://uoop.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-13 Knowing, the [ru] person has known Das Wissen, die Person [ru] gewusst
Forest Girl, Fashion,