- 32.
http://ameblo.jp/tgt/entry-10497760516.html (' The 艸 `) well, it is lovely ('`艸) наилучшим образом, оно симпатично
- It is rough the [ma]., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/lunenoir/entry-10455070181.html When (the *´ω `*) now thing of true will you think even with the [a] [a], it becomes sad, is Когда (`*´ω *) теперь вещь истинной воли вы думаете даже с [a] [a], оно будет унылыми,
- 吉祥寺 kitizyouzi はしご
http://chobi-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/arinkurin/2010/12/cafe-d024.html (* ' Cause `Σ) Σ (* потому что `Σ) Σ
- ぶろがーにすきなひとがいます(棒読み)
http://myhome.cururu.jp/risahaines/blog/article/91002809259 20, as for the tune which with the karaoke is wanted singing in opposite sex? a, whether the pornography it is delightful, don't you think? - 21, as for arrival [mero]? a, download it has not melted, (the ' Ω `) 22, as for nickname? a, with the stamp it is it is, with the stamp person, coming and others it is it is, the younger sister of coming and others and [baresu, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Forest Girl, Fashion,