- W new information
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/2008822/e/3bef4b6697841e486512d4ee7ec2ae14 Don't you think? it seems that it is contrastive with the joker Par conséquent quant à la chose complètement différente de joker
- Present mask rider W☆
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sinigami1/archives/51447808.html The joker [tsu] [te], it is trump what…It becomes to the [so] - (the ¯∀¯) Le joker [tsu] [te], c'est atout ce qui… devient il au [ainsi] - (le ¯∀¯)
- Theater edition mask rider W (double) 'Gaea memory' thought of FOREVER AtoZ destiny
http://animac.moe-nifty.com/animac_blog/2010/08/wforever-atoz-e.html 100% pulling out the quality of the joker, now the shank 100% retirant la qualité du joker, maintenant la jambe
- Japanese talking
http://are-you-ready.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/w-forever-2052.html Therefore as for joker completely different thing, a liberal translation Par conséquent quant à la chose complètement différente de joker
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