- Favorite magazine
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/m-sva/e/7bc837a68444e25ce193e784373e56cb “Draw the taste even in oath of court [chiyangumu “画口味甚而在法院[chiyangumu誓言
- 0 ion shear shear
http://ameblo.jp/hiji0426/entry-10335031691.html Oath of court lady of the court [chiyangumu]… 法院[chiyangumu的]法院夫人誓言…
- Careless
http://fuuraijingarou.cocolog-nifty.com/every_day/2010/06/post-714c.html Returning to the house, finally the last time you looked at [chiyangumu 返回到房子,上次您最后看[chiyangumu
- Favorableness
http://ameblo.jp/cm115875771/entry-10417844663.html Inside the house? The inside the house moves also today [chiyangumu]… after all, I being gone, 在房子里面? 里面房子今天也移动[chiyangumu]终究…我去,
- weblog title
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/keemakarei/30617390.html You forgot the father name of [chiyangumu] in oath of court lady of the court [chiyangumu 您忘记了父亲名字[chiyangumu]在法院[chiyangumu的法院夫人誓言
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/tomomi0308/entry-10432621457.html Oath king of court lady of the court [chiyangumu] my [huanjiniirujime] sharp sword phone [girudon] and the like 法院的法院夫人的誓言国王[chiyangumu]我的[huanjiniirujime]锋利的剑打电话[girudon]等等
Dae Jang Geum, Drama,