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    Leaders debate,

    Politics related words Japan National Press Club Debate between party leaders Prime Minister Taro Aso Hatoyama Hatoyama Yukio Party flag Your Party .YP Prime Kan

    • Effondrement d'effondrement
      Quand la catégorie il s'effondre et [chi] [ya] non informé [chi] [ya] [u] bon marché [ya] qui n'est pas moi il s'insère, essayant faire [ji] à de la bouche, [te] [le KE] [te] le WWW qui vient il est [tsu] [chi] [ya] ce qui est la cire cette même au chef [chi] [ya] la réunion ~g8 du Japon du côté, [chi] [ya] [u] [tsu] [te] quelqu'un là est aucun [chiyaberuto] je disant, là vous interrogez avec le piège que l'histoire de fantôme il n'est pas nord possible de ~ de kana [chiyon] de [RU] mais jusqu'à ce qu'il s'effondre, [wa] qui sera d'une semaine excitant ensuite cela et il effondre est probablement immédiatement, tombant vers le bas, le président il est maladroit - avec environ 100 avec l'ogre de l'arista [Se] la discussion en chef de partie [a], il augmentera probablement, le cas d'occasion et enfermer probablement [te] il est, l'appelle [henkou] fait et [conversion libre de prise d'abolition de manihuepachinko] de prise gaie gaie de conversion aujourd'hui il interroge Tomei [henkou] où [wa] [RU] il est et dans la catégorie de ww rencontrant le président le traîneau [ya] - avant [la modification de nom de partie de wa] qui s'effondre

    • After the snow dissolved,
      As for the National Diet as for about day of everyday [orinhi] ゚ [tsuku] whose party chief debate and the occurrence which the inside of the world observes are many as for story of politics and the gold the good [n] [ji] [ya] it is not in the [orinhi] ゚ [tsuku] Ishiki world kana… Rather than expecting meta ゙ [ru] of Japan, the performance where the inside of the world is good? Skill? It is the day when every day when by your would like to look at clean ones more and more physical condition of small human wife [chiyama] everyday call keeps passing may and with feeling is good! Cripes being completed!

    • Tagawa Kikuo diary

    • tagawa ki hisao nikki
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    • opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
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    • Japanese talking
      26% of the people whom we assume that in investigation ahead, you vote to the party of everyone, as one reason where support ratio of the Democratic party returns, changed ahead voting into the Democratic party, it is it probably will put out, is, lately, support ratio of the party of everyone was riding in updraft gradually, but very, the speech of Party Chief Watanabe becoming matter of concern, there is no ginger with you thought, as for… member of the Diet and the government employee and making half and… saying there is no meaning where is grudge in Assemblyman Watanabe who is simple, on the contrary him you have spoken privately and, (to stand, story) also that motherInterchange becomes oh high and but story of former times too nevertheless, principal party chief debate, everyone, it is favorite selfish thing, level of the politician is low as usual., a liberal translation

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    • Japanese Letter
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    • Japanese Letter
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    • original letters

    • The way of failure of Asahi newspaper “tomorrow poll” editorial to be too harshness, Hasimoto five 郎 dissertation of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company of the ~09 year August 29th morning edition which is, editorial and Asahi newspaper editorial, the product sutra 抄
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • 無党派層の43%「比例は民主に投票」、自民党わずか15.8%
      “Como para a proporção de 43% não de camada do partido na votação da democracia”, a investigação de uma comunicação comum 2009 agosto 2ô Taro Aso que party o debate principal no hotel dentro do capital (aso do taro) o primeiro ministro (a esquerda) com Yukio Hatoyama (hatoyama do yukio) o afpThat da respresentação do partido Democratic (2009 agosto 1ò que fotografa) (c) o serviço de notícia de Kyodo (notícia do kyodo) no sondagem da opinião pública de âmbito nacional do telefone a respeito da casa da situação da seleção dos representantes que é anunciada no 2ô, 43% não da camada do partido vota ao partido Democratic na respresentação da proporção, o partido Democratic liberal onde se torna desobstruído responder que a o que você responde somente é restringido a 15.8%, além disso mesmo no estrato liberal do rolamento do partido Democratic, quanto para à investigação que você responde a que 24.8% votos ao partido Democratic, 20-2òs sobre, a pessoa 155.148 no objeto estiveram executados “não há nenhum partido precedente político da sustentação” com quanto para não à camada do partido que as respostas com a casa da seleção 2005 dos representantes são 31.1%, o partido Democratic liberal que recolhe a sustentação não da camada do partido, esta você fornece o grande victoryBefore eleger no sondagem da opinião pública pelo serviço de notícia de Kyodo que é executado, que 26.5% não da camada do partido votam ao partido Democratic liberal, você respondeu, excedido mal 25.9% do Partido Democratic (c%

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