- End of year
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sohshi0629/archives/51542676.html Concrete plan concerning that still has not been decided and either method does not understand completely, is, but A planta concreta a respeito daquela não tem sido decidida ainda e um ou outro método não compreende completamente, é, mas
http://53317837.at.webry.info/201109/article_30.html Attaching to that, the reaction of channel 2 furthermore is infinite variety Unindo ao esse, a reação da canaleta 2 além disso é variedade infinita
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/tameike/entry-10584962388.html Concerning that in addition we assume that you express in another day, A respeito do esse além nós supor que você expresso em um outro dia,
- 政権交代から1週間が過ぎまして。
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/veritas21/e/ffa9548c3c0c11647cdfea7924c30c71 To that attaching, < it comes scurvy, thing >, Komeito attitude A isso que une, < vem escorbuto, coisa >, atitude de Komeito
Permanent employment, Politics , Business,