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    Natural disaster,

    Reportage related words Global warming Jonathan Summer Comic Market Magnitude Tokai Earthquake rare Caramel 平安時代 Planetary Supakomi SISTER Panee Unusual weather

    • Sixth sense
      The case of convulsion of nature such as major earthquake, the extent which it is good saying by all means after the fact due to you could see the prediction phenomenon “sixth sense” with there is the report which is said, being picked up with the mass communications and the like it is many e.g., (or the cloud of strange conduct and abnormal shape of the animal and the like appeared,)
      Случай конвульсиы природы как главное землетрясение, размер которого хорошее высказывание конечно после того как факт должный к вам смог увидеть что явление «шестое чувство» прогноза с там рапорт который сказан, выбираемо вверх с массовыми коммуникациями и подобием это много например, (или облако странного проведения и анормалной формы животного и подобия появил,)

    • It sells, it does not sell
      In the convulsion of nature, life changes, job changes,, a liberal translation
      В конвульсиах природы, жизнь изменяет, изменения работы,

    • Total 132 soul soul
      Harbinger of convulsion of nature? (Laughing)
      Предвестник конвульси природы? (Смеяться над)

    • Kyoto 11 of fall
      It is the big movie of the scale which draws convulsion of nature, but as your own thought, like [indei] Jones's risking. When you see, as the amusement movie it was the movie which can enjoy detailed thing in the air
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • End, a liberal translation
      , a liberal translation
      Предвестник конвульси природы? (Смеяться над)

    • Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
      Convulsion of nature is caused, the illness makes be popular, heart of the person is devastated and is spurred it is function of the God which to the dispute, a liberal translation
      Конвульсиы природы причинены, болезнь делает для того чтобы быть популярна, сердце персоны опустошено и пришпорено ему функция Бог которое к спору

    Natural disaster, Reportage,

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