- * The Kobe city Tarumizu Ku M way residence ceremony for sanctifying ground*, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mmsytmk/archives/51715490.html Today the Kobe city Tarumizu Ku m way is ceremony for sanctifying ground of the residence, a liberal translation La manera de Tarumizu Ku m de la ciudad de Kobe es hoy ceremonia para la tierra que santifica de la residencia
- Also today, was very one day., a liberal translation
http://icspiral.air-nifty.com/stylishlife/2010/06/post-38b9-4.html Today in my mother and the family inside, with the Japanese food dining which is a certain high rise building Hoy en mi madre y la familia adentro, con la cena japonesa del alimento que es cierto alto edificio de la subida
- It ran to [buratsukumajie] and west., a liberal translation
http://majemajeclub.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-6513.html Today to run to west from that, to after a long time Kobe city Para funcionar hoy al oeste de eso, después de una ciudad de Kobe del tiempo largo
- akashi hama no sanpomichi potapota
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syokora1192/33268790.html Today me the inside the house is the Japanese food, a liberal translation El interior la casa es hoy el alimento japonés
Akashi Strait, Locality,