- Clay -> sand -> dabbling in water ♪
http://ameblo.jp/qiaobenyuzi/entry-10930973447.html Because is, the ♪ which weekend in the parents' home staying it will die you try probably to go Porque é, o ♪ que weekend nos pais home permanecendo o morrerá você tentativa provavelmente a ir
- Japanese weblog
http://kanchi66.cocolog-nifty.com/something_fun/2010/12/post-7423.html Because is, tries asking to the [taku] artist of this person who is drawn place Porque é, tenta perguntar ao artista [do taku] desta pessoa que é lugar extraído
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sachizo/archives/51674510.html Because is, you went Porque é, você foi
- Mexico (3) central town” [merida]” of the Mayan ruins
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tera-giga/e/9e62d1b416743894c026ea1627b2cdf7 The dress and the like of the hand embroidery there was various designs, I fascinated and when one for usual, when luxurious embroidery being fine bought also 2 O vestido e semelhante do bordado da mão lá era vários projetos, eu fascinei e quando um para usual, quando bordado luxuoso que está sendo comprado muito bem igualmente 2
Flamingo, Leisure,