- Fixed holiday., a liberal translation
http://ofsp-k.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-d388.html But, like this it is thought! Aber, so ist es Gedanke!
- 弹球盘步行者7月编辑,备用变得无法使用,更加是
http://makoto24mako.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-743.html But…Whether it is accustomed to inquiring about [uwasa] somewhere, finally vociferation!!!, a liberal translation Aber…, ob es ungefähr irgendwo sich erkundigen [uwasa] gewöhnt wird schließlich Vociferation!!!
- Spring of [pairetsu] of [karibian] life
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qwetty/e/beb0f487ce1610bcf8387e84711bf1f4 But as for appearing there, at one time rival pirate [barubotsusa Aber was dort erscheinen anbetrifft, auf einmal rivalisierender Pirat [barubotsusa
- There is cuter place in “ONE PIECE” - the world! [otohime] queen of wailing and birth of seven military affairs sea [jinbee]!!
http://ikesanfromfrneore.blog64.fc2.com/blog-entry-4501.html But, that the tiger died being abandoned in the human, by the fact that it is reported, furthermore it became harsh thing to receive signature, it seems, a liberal translation Aber, das der Tiger starb, im Menschen, durch die Tatsache verlassen zu werden, dass es berichtet wird, außerdem wurde es die raue Sache, zum der Unterzeichnung, es zu empfangen scheint
- [ro] -, a liberal translation
http://memechan12.blog51.fc2.com/blog-entry-1215.html But, here [tsu] whose still information of area [deji] is thin it does Aber, hier [tsu] dessen noch Informationen des Bereichs [deji] dünn ist, tut es
- Japanese Letter
http://anylover.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-ad5d.html But, 7 years, it was long - Aber, 7 Jahre, war es lang -
- In the midst of collection.
http://ofsp-k.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-24a1.html But, the dying way only you say that it is beautiful! Aber, die sterbende Weise nur sagen Sie, dass sie schön ist!
Blackbeard, Manga,