- As for Kim Jong-Il passing away there is no influence in the market,…
http://ameblo.jp/otamaru/entry-11111870596.html Simply, yesterday and so is, it is the place where, but after this day, the market participant it decreases being, does from the [yo], in violent fluctuations of the market from decrease of flowability notes, a liberal translation Simplesmente, é ontem e assim, é o lugar onde, mas após este dia, o participante do mercado ele diminui estar, faz do [yo], em flutuações violentas do mercado da diminuição de notas do flowability
- It is the movement every of market, but…
http://ameblo.jp/otamaru/entry-10710504182.html Simply, returning, higher quotation is heavy, probably will be Simplesmente, retornando, uma citação mais elevada é pesada, provavelmente será
- 3 large markets 2011 August 9th
http://renbajin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-08-10 Simply, the return inside the decline range of preceding day to be, the bottom was struck with cannot call the price increase width of each market completely, probably will be, a liberal translation Simplesmente, o retorno dentro da escala do declínio de dia precedente a ser, a parte inferior foi golpeado com não pode chamar a largura do aumento de preços de cada mercado completamente, provavelmente será
- Afternoon session market condition. The afternoon when you finish the big event, stress test, do not have the movement…
http://ameblo.jp/otamaru/entry-10602387073.html Simply, in the ny gold market as for 1180 dollars with the level which it should buy, as for 1180 dollar crack as for lower price it may become limited in buying the actual demand, is Simplesmente, no mercado de ouro ny quanto para a 1180 dólares com o nível que deve comprar, quanto para à rachadura de 1180 dólares quanto para a um mais baixo preço pode tornar-se limitado em comprar a demanda real, é
- Afternoon session market condition. As for stock market substantial high. Also the commodity market returns, in pace.
http://ameblo.jp/otamaru/entry-10603307601.html Simply, if you buy this level in the future and leave, it probably is the level where interest rides Simplesmente, se você compra este nível no futuro e o sae, é provavelmente o nível aonde o interesse monta
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/otamaru/entry-10595741431.html Simply, 1200 dollars as for the level which has cracked as for the actual demand buying it enters, probably will be, a liberal translation Simplesmente, 1200 dólares quanto para ao nível que se rachou quanto para à demanda real a comprar entra, provavelmente serão
Shanghai, Business,