- It scatters “in [monga]”, a liberal translation
http://itekino-kurigoto.cocolog-nifty.com/backyard/2011/01/post-750a.html And side of fetal movement of new age, former times the time where it has been about that every will be forgotten,, a liberal translation Und von der fötalen Bewegung des neuen Alters, ehemalige Zeiten versehen die Zeit mit Seiten, wo sie über jede die wird vergessen gewesen ist,
- Einsamer Eindruck von [santei
http://blog.livedoor.jp/caminante77/archives/52141279.html And, “you the friend are more than me” also say Und, „Sie der Freund sind mehr, als ich“ auch sage
- hoshiimonohanani
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/yobopee/diary/201104150000/ And, you did not know at all, a liberal translation Und, Sie wussten nicht an allen
- Japanese talking
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takowasasyugi/archives/51057544.html And, it means that this one is problem, but Und, es bedeutet, dass dieses Problem ist, aber
- weblog title
http://subzero.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1526632/ And, both cover [ri] of pet shop [boizu] which is the fan from former times is gay, a liberal translation Und, beide Abdeckung [ri] des Geschäftes für Haustiere [boizu] das ist, der Ventilator von den ehemaligen Zeiten ist homosexuell
- As for the blood while it stands @ [shiatakokun] which sleeps
http://ameblo.jp/antum/entry-10449570804.html And being highlight after all six flat, a liberal translation Und seiend Höhepunkt schliesslich sechs flach
- “To the friend who does not rescue my life”
http://ameblo.jp/hottokenai-ironnakoto/entry-10553053572.html And really, [giberu] drops life due to the AIDS, a liberal translation Und wirklich, [giberu] Tropfenleben wegen des AIDS
- [anison] concentration 06
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tawashin/e/083b2242f73f629784ac284fb4c7a5c8 And “[danbain]” Und „[danbain]“
- Concerning the continuous deliberation future trend of non existence young people regulations amendment from mixi reprint: Sinya's Matsuura L/D
http://smatsu.air-nifty.com/lbyd/2010/03/mixi-0add.html And, “the regulation which is completed becomes securely harsh ones”, that ...... orz Und, „die Regelung, die abgeschlossen wird, wird sicher die raue“, das ...... orz
Homosexuality, Reportage, Politics ,