- [Mail renewal] the scale it is!
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/megamekabg/diary/201106260010/ By the way with subject song of mask rider double Pela maneira com canção sujeita do dobro do cavaleiro da máscara
- Television [tsu] child.
http://ameblo.jp/maari-makun/entry-10459685422.html By the way 'mask rider double' of yesterday seeing, the [wa] which it increases Pela maneira da “dobro do cavaleiro máscara” ontem da vista, [wa] que aumenta
- W& [deikeido] MOVIE great war 2010
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/syuryoperi/e/e1ede29df7d0823a91730d5bdcab0442 By the way it received also the card and the underlay of Ganba ride of benefit, a liberal translation Pela maneira recebeu igualmente o cartão e o underlay do passeio de Ganba do benefício
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/fimosense/entry-10623106778.html By the way the name color is choice of your [guritsutaburu] ‼ mother* As expected the shank Pela maneira que a cor conhecida é escolha de seu mother* do ‼ [do guritsutaburu] como esperou a pata
Masked Rider Double, Entertainment, Drama,